Apartment Costs at the Arboretum

My lease for my apartment is going to be up soon, and so I am going to find a new place to live. I do like living here, but it is just kind of far away from my new job, and I do not like having to drive so much on a daily basis. It is quite a large waste of my time, as depending on the traffic, I usually spend at least an hour and a half driving every day. So I am checking out apartments at the Arboretum to see how much they cost, and to find out some more information about them.

The main thing that they have going for them, in my opinion, is that they are located fairly close to where I work now. I am really lucky to have this job, and really, when I applied for the job, I did not think that I would get it. I just applied anyway, because I was eager for a career change, and I had been applying for pretty much every job I could find that met my criteria in terms of pay and the type of work that was involved. There were not a whole lot of jobs that met those criteria, and so I did not feel like I could afford to skip applying for any of the jobs that did meet said requirements.

I know I will save a lot of money if I can move to the Aboretum, at least in terms of gas. I do expect that it is going to cost a bit more to live there than where I currently live, so I guess in the big picture, it probably won’t actually save me any money. But I will be a lot happier without having to drive so far.