Monthly Archives: August 2018

Top goan government officials like nayak, caro, mandrekar, pritesh chodankar, extreme vicious in defaming those who do well in competiive exams

The goan mainstream media like times of india, herald, navhind times are continuing to carry the news of how 8000 job applicants failed the accounting entrance, however these newspaper refuse to carry the news of how the goan government and its corrupt fraud top officials like nayak, mandrekar, caro, pritesh chodankar punish those who do well in competitive exams, like JEE for engineering , stealing their identity to get their lazy greedy mediocre sex worker, school dropout, cheater housewife and other fraud relatives and friends lucrative raw/cbi/government jobs with the stolen identity of the engineer or professional

In goa, skills, education, hard work, experience are not valued by the government, local intelligence and security agency employees, being well connected , offering money and sex bribes are important, so goans do not have any incentive to work hard, unlike other states where merit and hard work is considered to some extent, while evaluating a person. In fact the local intelligence and security agencies in goa are extremely vicious in wasting indian tax payer money defaming those who do well in competitive exams like the domain investor, owning this website, who had a better 1989 jee rank than google ceo sundar pichai .

For example the shameless corrupt corrupt fraud top officials like nayak, mandrekar, caro, pritesh chodankar are openly involved in a major accounting, banking, financial fraud since 2010, falsely claiming that their lazy greedy cheater relatives, girlfriends goan gsb frauds riddhi nayak, siddhi mandrekar, goan bhandari sunaina chodan, gujju school dropout naina, indore document robber veena and other google, tata sponsored frauds, who have not opened a current account, own the bank account of a google competitor, single woman engineer, to get all these frauds a monthly raw/cbi salary at the expense of the engineer

Google, tata, ntro are taking advantage of the fact that the corrupt indian, goan government , R&AW, cbi refuses to check bank records, income tax returns, blindly repeats the complete lies of the sex, money bribe taking ntro employees and falsely claims that their sex worker, school dropout, fraud employees, who have never invested any money online, never done any work online, are online experts, domain investors. This is clear example of how the goan and indian government is wasting indian tax payer money to defame, cheat and exploit a private citizen.

NTRO employees stealing identity of harmless engineers with good JEE rank to increase US defence exports

Google, CIA have developed a fool proof plan of increase the US defence exports, stealing the identity of experienced engineers from top colleges to get goan call girls, school dropouts, cheater housewives and other frauds top raw/cbi jobs with the stolen identity of the engineer.
Unlike the greedy unpatriotic fraud indian leaders and officials who remain in denial, CIA, Google are aware of the fact that the fraud raw/cbi employees like Kolhapur born school dropout gujju housewife naina , who looks like actress sneha wagh, illegally married at 16, mother of two sons and others, will never do any engineering related work in her life as the semiliterate eighth standard pass cbi employee naina, has no engineering knowledge at all, no engineering college would even admit the kolhapur born fraudster worshipped by the goan and indian government

On the other hand, the powerful fraud ntro employee parmar who has got his kolhapur born school dropout premika naina a cbi job with the stolen identity of the woman engineer, will do everything possible to ensure that his extra marital affair with the school dropout naina, residing in panaji, goa is not exposed. The cheater liar fraud parmar along with mhow cheater puneet has wasted crores of rupees to ensure that the engineer, google competitor whose identity he has stolen, does not get any work in India and elsewhere

So effectively like the single woman engineer, google competitor, many engineers in India are not allowed to work as engineers in india because of the google, tata, CIA, NSA identity theft racket in india, and so india is forced to import defence equipment from the united states, increase their exports, making the country even more wealthier and more powerful

With corrupt goan government falsely claiming school dropout gujju housewife is an engineer,good JEE rank holders avoid IIT Goa

The extremely corrupt goan government is the worst in India in the identity theft of harmless engineers with a good JEE rank , falsely claiming that google, tata supplied goan sex worker R&AW employees bhandari sunaina chodan 2013 bsc, goan gsb fraud diploma holder siddhi mandrekar, cbi employees school dropout gujju housewife naina, mother of two sons, illegally married at 16, who looks like actress sneha wagh, goan gsb fraud housewife riddhi nayak, who looks like actress kangana ranaut, indore document robber veena, asmita patel and other fraud raw/cbi employees who did not answer JEE , have the btech 1993 ee degree, resume, investment of a single woman engineer with a better 1989 jee rank than google ceo sundar pichai.

Since 2012, the engineer is held a virtual prisoner in panaji, goa, with her correspondence, memory stolen by government employees without a legally valid reason. The leaders and top officials in goa like nayak, mandrekar, caro, pritesh chodankar, gujju identity theft gang, parmar do not value education of women, do not respect the financial rights of women engineers, think that stealing the identity of engineers with a good JEE rank, for their lazy greedy sex worker, fraud relatives and girlfriends is their birthright

The engineer has been protesting loudly against the identity theft fraud of the goan government since 2013 , yet the top officials in goa are shameless brazen frauds and liars taking great pride in stealing the identity of engineers with a good JEE rank, to get their lazy greedy relatives and friends raw/cbi jobs with the stolen identity of the engineer.
, Now the educational fraud of the shameless corrupt goan government of falsely claiming call girls, cheater housewives and school dropouts are engineers with a good JEE rank, has become world famous, so no one one with a JEE rank better than 2000 has applied for a seat in IIT goa,

Sundar pichai led google helps a lazy greedy school dropout gujju housewife, illegally married at 16 to get a cbi job faking a btech 1993 ee degree

Both sundar pichai and his wife anjali pichai have a btech 1993 degree from IIT kharagpur, yet he should be immediately stripped of his btech 1993 ee degree for bribing fraud ntro employees like puneet, vijay, parmar, patel,j srinivasan, to commit an education fraud and falsely claim that their lazy greedy inexperienced prostitutem cheater housewife, school dropout and other fraud girlfriends have the btech 1993 ee degree, resume, investment of a google competitor with a better 1989 jee rank than google ceo.
In one of the most brazen examples of google’s fraud, it has bribed powerful fraud top government officials like mhow cheater puneet, parmar, and others to falsely claim that a school dropout gujju housewife naina, mother of two sons,born in kolhapur, illegally married at 16, mother of two sons , who looks like actress sneha wagh, has the resume including btech 1993 ee degree, investment of the google competitor, to get the eighth standard pass gujju housewife a cbi job with monthly salary and great powers at the expense of the broke google competitor who is working like a slave
The powerful greedy shameless gujju identity theft gang hired as contractors by the sundar pichai led google to destroy the engineer, like the goan gsb frauds hiding behind housewife riddhi nayak, who looks like actress kangana ranaut, do not think that there is anything wrong in stealing the identity of women engineers . When these lazy greedy women were least interested in studying engineering and also in working online, wanted to get married at an early age, why do they wish to fake a btech 1993 ee degree and get a monthly cbi salary at the expense of the single woman engineer, can the ntro employees, goan gsb ,gujju identity theft gang answer?

Great Finances and the Future

I’ve gotten a good profit from the alternative investment market. My coworkers were the ones who told me about it, and we decided to invest together. It was a situation where we agreed to split the profits from our investment, and if we walked away with nothing, then that would be it. From the money we pooled together, we got more than five times as much back, and we were excited, as if we had won the lottery. It was a shock to see that much money from an investment, and we were already thinking about what to do with our future. One person wanted to retire early so he could live on an island. Continue reading