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Due to dishonesty of bhandari/obc officials/leaders,only bhandari engineers victims of resume robbery

Due to the dishonesty of obc/bhandari leaders/officials led by goan bhandari CHEATER chodankar, naik who are extremely ruthless in ruining the life and reputation of bhandari engineers with a good JEE rank, making complete fake allegations without any legally valid proof, OBC/bhandari professionals/investors worse off than minority professionals/investors with frauds impersonating them and trying to rob their savings, resume to get lucrative government jobs
The minority professionals/investors are getting help from other countries where they are a majority, only the obc/bhandari professionals/investors especially those with a good jee rank, like the goa 1989 jee topper, migrant from north karnataka, single woman engineer are not getting any help from anyone at all, are victims of government SLAVERY, FINANCIAL FRAUD in the indian internet sector since 2010, which the government refuses to end.

The dishonest obc/bhandari leaders/officials led by goan bhandari CHEATER chodankar, naik are only interested in promoting their lazy greedy fraud relatives like panaji goan bhandari CALL GIRL sunaina chodan who have not studied engineering, yet is faking a btech 1993 ee degree to get great powers, monthly government salary at the expense of the migrant from north karnataka.

RESUME ROBBERY racket of btech 1993 class of iit bombay becomes inspiration for EDUCATIONAL FRAUD all over india

While the mainstream media has been covering the NEET fraud, it refuses to cover a far greater educational, financial fraud, the resume robbery racket of the top government employees from the btech 1993 class of iit bombay, on their female batchmate, a single woman engineer, migrant from north karnataka who the LIAR CUNNING CHEATER top government employees HATED, to destroy her reputation, life and deny her the income and opportunities she deserved.

The LIAR CHEATER top government employees are not interested in interacting or contacting their female btech 1993 ee classmate who they HATE yet being extremely CUNNING CRUEL cheaters these government employees led by bengaluru brahmin cheater puneet are FAKING friendship, help for her so that they could ROB her resume, savings, data to get great powers, monthly government salary for their lazy greedy fraud mediocre girlfriends who did not answer JEE, do not invest money in domains and do not have online income in a case of SLAVERY, ONLINE, FINANCIAL FRAUD.

though the single woman engineer alone has worked for her resume, savings, the LIAR government agencies continue to rob her resume, and make fake claims about their lazy greedy fraud employees like greedy gujju stock trader amita patel, while the single woman engineer, paying all the expenses, has been systematically denied the income and opportunities she deserved, and is making great losses,
When the top indian government employees have got away with the resume ROBBERY of their female btech 1993 ee classmate, the goa 1989 jee topper with a better jEE rank than google ceo sundar pichai, it becomes the inspiration for more educational fraud, like the NEET fraud. So before covering the NEET fraud, the mainstream media should cover the resume robbery racket of the btech 1993 class of iit bombay, since it has become the inspiration for EDUCATIONAL FRAUD all over india

R&AW/cbi employees FAKING btech 1993 ee degree has lowered india’s gender parity rating worldwide

Though panaji goan gsb FRAUD housewife cbi employee ROBBER riddhi nayak caro did not answer JEE and did not study engineering like bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife raw employee nayanshree, 2005 bbm,wife of fraud tata power employee guruprasad, indore cheater housewife deepika/veena and other lazy greedy fraud raw/cbi employees FAKING a btech 1993 ee degree from iit bombay, the shameless greedy goan fraud, continues to FAKE her resume,savings and get great powers, monthly government salary at the expense of a single woman engineer, migrant from north karnataka who actually studied for a btech 1993 ee degree.
The indian government is blindly believing its LIAR employees who are openly involved in RESUME ROBBERY of their female college classmate who they HATE to destroy her reputation and life.
Despite protesting against the RESUME ROBBERY,FINANCIAL FRAUD for more than 8 years the indian government refuses to end its EDUCATIONAL, FINANCIAL FRAUD on the single woman engineer with LIAR government agencies CRIMINALLY DEFAMING her and making FAKE CLAIMS about various lazy greedy fraud raw/cbi employees like panaji goan gsb FRAUD housewife cbi employee ROBBER riddhi nayak caro , whose FRAUD father nayak, husband CHEATER caro work in security agencies, bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife raw employee nayanshree, 2005 bbm,wife of fraud tata power employee guruprasad, indore cheater housewife deepika/veena
The professional qualifications of an engineer who has studied in a top college can be easily verified, yet the top tech,internet companies , government agencies remain extremely aggressive in their EDUCATIONAL FRAUD making fake claims about the SHAMELESS LIAR panaji goan gsb FRAUD housewife cbi employee ROBBER riddhi nayak caro who has lived in goa all her life, yet being a SHAMELESS GREEDY CHEATER LIAR has been faking her resume, savings with the help of her equally fraud husband CHEATER caro working in security agencies to get great powers,monthly government salary

Though panaji goan bhandari CHEATER raw employee sunaina chodan did not study engineering,tech, internet companies spreading fake rumors about the cheater

panaji goan bhandari cheater raw employee sunaina chodan never did any computer work, never paid for domain renewals, expenses like her powerful fraud brahmin lovers, yet because she allegedly offered SEX BRIBES to j srinivasan, other top government employees especially from btech 1993 class of iit bombay, for 12 years since 2012 the top tech, internet companies allegedly led by google, tata, cognizant,infosys FALSELY CLAIMed that panaji goan bhandari cheater raw employee sunaina chodan without any online income was india’s top online expert to give her great powers, monthly government salary at the expense of the real domain investor, single woman engineer paying the expenses.

after the SEX TRADE DEAL of panaji goan bhandari cheater raw employee sunaina chodan with top indian government employees who are falsely claiming that panaji call girl sunaina chodan was an online expert was legally proved checking her income tax returns, pan number, bank account, the CHEATER top tech and internet companies still want to reward their favorite FRAUD panaji goan bhandari CALL GIRL raw employee sunaina dhond and her associates for her sex services, criminal defamation of the real domain investor for more than 12 years.

so tech, internet companies are now spreading fake rumors that the panaji goan bhandari CALL GIRL raw employe sunaina chodan,who lived in goa all her life, did not study engineering is an experienced engineer, to continue giving her great powers, monthly government salary at the expense of the real domain investor, single woman engineer who actually studied engineering and whose correspondence panaji goan bhandari cheater raw employee sunaina chodan ROBS without a legally valid reason to isolate the real engineer completely

panaji goan bhandari cheater raw employee sunaina chodan, other raw/cbi employee fake engineering experience can be easily proved

The top tech and internet companies are extremely vicious in CRIMINALLY DEFAMING small online business owners, ROBBINg their resume, savings, data to make fake claims about the lazy greedy girlfriends and associates of top indian government employees in a sophisticated form of BRIBERY .

after the SEX TRADE DEAL of panaji goan bhandari cheater raw employee sunaina chodan with top indian government employees who are falsely claiming that sunaina chodan, panaji call girl was an online expert was legally proved checking her income tax returns, pan number, bank account, the CHEATER top tech and internet companies still want to reward their favorite FRAUD panaji goan bhandari CALL GIRL raw employee sunaina chodan and her associates for her sex services, criminal defamation of the real domain investor for more than 12 years.
These LIAR top tech, internet companies have ensured that the government and everyone else believed their fake rumors for 12 years to reward panaji goan bhandari cheater raw employee sunaina chodan,other raw/cbi employees with monthly government salaries. So now they are DUPING people,companies and countries that panaji goan bhandari cheater raw employee sunaina chodan who never studied engineering, never worked in any engineering company is an experienced engineer to justify the great powers, monthly government salary and rob the savings of the older single woman engineer, domain investor

Even if the single woman engineer goes to other states, fake rumors are spread that she does not have any job and does not have any income. While large companies can be forced to change their records, the fact is that employees have a large number of professional acquaintances, colleagues who the engineer worked with. Instead of ending their resume robbery, criminal defamation of the single woman engineer since 2010, the liar tech and internet companies continue with their resume robbery, ruining their own reputation in the process.

Bribed by google, tata, engineers from india’s top engineering college falsely claim sindhi housewife, SCHOOL DROPOUT was their btech 1993 ee classmate

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This is with reference to the world economic forum report on the status of working women in india, which indicates that the status of working women in india is worsening since 2006 and is the worst in the world
The WEF only has statistics, it does not focus on the role of the indian and state governments especially the goa government which is directly responsible for a open FINANCIAL, ONLINE, BANKING FRAUD on hardworking single women professionals, especially women engineers.
For example, allegedly bribed by sundar pichai led google, tata, the indian, state governments, engineers from india’s top engineering college working in NTRO/raw are openly involved in PROFESSIONAL MISCONDUCT falsely claiming that various lazy greedy fraud women like nayanshree hathwar 2005 bbm, riddhi nayak caro who did not answer JEE were their btech 1993 ee classmates, to get all these fraud women raw/cbi jobs with the help of google, tata.
These fraud indian government employees led by mhow cheater puneet, tushar parekh, j srinivasan, vijay are falsely claiming that a kolhapur born sindhi school dropout naina chandan, who looks like actress sneha wagh, illegally married at 16, who studied till 8th standard only, was their btech 1993 ee classmate , has the resume, savings of their btech 1993 ee classmate, a single woman engineer who these ntro/raw employees HATE
So to destroy the life of their btech 1993 ee classmate, a single woman engineer, the goa 1989 jee topper, these shameless fraud ntro/raw employees are FAKING their relation with the engineer who they HATE have never contacted or interacted with, and then MISUSING her name to get raw/cbi jobs for all their girlfriends, sugar babies, relatives. Specifically the gujju fraud R&AW employee tushar parekh is having a affair with the gujju school dropout naina chandan, and is falsely claiming that the school dropout was his engineering classmate, though no engineering college will admit the school dropout naina

Indicating the prominent role of the indian and state governments in the worsening status of educated women professionals, these fraud state governments especially the goa government are REPEATING the lies of the FRAUD LIAR SOCIOPATH ntro/raw employees involved in the PROFESSIONAL MISCONDUCT of giving FAKE REFERENCES of a btech 1993 ee degree to SEX SERVICE PROVIDERS, ROBBERS, CHEATERS

Though the goa 1989 jee topper, engineer is protesting loudly against the indian and state government EDUCATIONAL fraud, the indian government refuses to investigate the fake references fraud for the last ten years

The Importance and Benefits of Ground Source Heat Pump

First of all, it is important to explain how a ground source heat pump works, in which the pump extracts energy at a certain temperature, increases that temperature and releases it in a medium that, in the most common cases, is the water that goes to the low-temperature radiators. temperature, underfloor heating system.

It is still very common to use heat pumps for heating water in swimming pools due to their great energy efficiency, compared to other means such as resistance or gas.

As an example of this, to heat the same amount of water, only 20% of what would be spent on electrical resistances is spent on a heat pump.

Given this, it is easy to say that there is an economy for the consumer or pump owner, as there are incentives offered by the federal government when using this renewable energy technology.

Since, in general, a homeowner can save 20% to 60% per year on utilities by switching from a common system to a grounding system.

And that, with all the certainty in the world, will make the person have large-scale savings, because the strokes of this pump, in an operational way, are lower than any other conventional heating source in almost all the world. Natural gas is the only fuel with competitive operating costs and only in a few countries where it is exceptionally cheap or where electricity is exceptionally expensive.

Also, in addition to making it clear that this saves anyone’s pocket, it also generates environmental impacts, as they produce less greenhouse gases than air conditioners, oil ovens and electric heating, but natural gas ovens can be competitive depending on the greenhouse gas intensity of the local electricity supply.

In addition, in places such as areas not served by public natural gas infrastructure, however, there is no better alternative than to use this pump model.

Thus, there are only benefits of using this pump, bringing quality of life to the pocket and the environment as a whole.

Improved Physical and Mental Health with Personal Training in Surrey

Initially it is important to emphasize that when we practice physical exercises, we work our flexibility, resistance and strength. But, more importantly, we work our brain, as well as our mental and physical health and all of this can be enhanced with a personal training in surrey.

It is clear that the activity brings benefits that go beyond the physical, propagating in emotional and mental health, this then makes it possible for the regular practice of exercises to be able to mitigate the possibility of people developing chronic diseases.

In addition, it is not only in the body that people begin to feel changes when practicing physical activities regularly, but also a considerable increase in the mood for everyday life, which helps to improve work performance and the desire to be with others. people, having fun, among other things.

Other points that are still important to mention are the improvement in our ability to relate to other people and the clear reduction in stress, often inhibiting anxiety and depression.

Many say that having a personal is a luxury, but today in people’s realities this is not true, because access to them is much easier, in addition to bringing you several other benefits, as follows:

1. Provides more results in less time If you need to take advantage of the little time you have to go to the gym or do an outdoor activity, then it’s worth having a personal trainer at your disposal. It will help you avoid wasting time on unnecessary training and will focus more on accuracy.

2. Reduces the risk of injury Exercising without the follow-up or guidance of a professional is possible for you to get injured, so it will help to prevent mistakes and even correct your posture in training.

3. Align your expectations with your reality A healthy routine is in search of a personal goal. From this goal, it is usually possible to achieve goals more accurately and quickly, in addition to providing a time adjustment.

4. Keeps motivated When we commit to someone, the chance of accomplishing something increases dramatically. And this can also be the missing point of motivation for you to keep those promises you’ve made to yourself for years.

In this way it is clear that training goes far beyond mere personal goals, but always taking care of your health as the main focus.

Falsely claiming to own the savings of a single woman professional is a very effective way for raw/ntro employees to ruin her reputation

One of new frauds of ntro/raw employees is how they falsely claim that all the assets, savings of single women engineers who they HATE, belong to them mainly to ruin their reputation.
The single woman engineer, also the goa 1989 jee topper is very hardworking, very skilled, and like other engineers, domain investors had worked hard for savings, taking the risk of investing money in domains, paying the domain renewal fees alone despite being cheated, exploited, harassed by raw/ntro employees for more than 11 years
These fake claims about the assets, savings was also used to criminally defame the hardworking single woman engineer, that she was extremely mediocre, lazy and not capable to making any money on her own, when all her savings in Mumbai were hers alone.

Additionally the greedy government employees also ran a CYBERCRIME, criminal defamation racket since 2010, to monitor all her computer activities and then falsely claim that the work was done by the lazy greedy fraud raw/cbi employees who never did any computer work at all, did not invest money in domains.

Engineers from india’s top engineering college beat Taliban in their human rights abuses on their female btech 1993 ee classmate since 2010

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liar Engineers, RAW/cbi/ntro employees from top engineering college beat Taliban with their human rights abuses, FINANCIAL FRAUD on their female btech 1993 ee classmate.
The indian mainstream media is carrying the news of how taliban will deny women their rights, yet it refuses to carry the news of how allegedly bribed by google, tata,indian, state government Engineers, RAW/cbi/ntro employees from top engineering college beat Taliban with their human rights abuses, FINANCIAL FRAUD on their female btech 1993 ee classmate since 2010 who the fraud LIAR CRUEL GREEDY raw/ntro employees led by the mhow monster puneet, j srinivasan, tushar parekh and vijay HATE
At least the taliban have the honesty to declare the rules clearly, the animal like CRUEL, CUNNING fraud engineers especially brahmin, bania animals like mhow monster puneet, j srinivasan, tushar parekh and vijay do not have the honesty, humanity to provide any kind of information
Additionally they also are pathological LIARS, refusing to get a court order to commit human rights abuses, falsely claiming that their btech 1993 ee classmate who they HATE and have never contacted has agreed to the most horrific human rights abuses they are subjecting her to since 2010, when they have never contacted her anytime in their life
To cover up their human rights abuses the liar cruel ntro/raw/cbi employees are criminally defaming the harmless single woman engineer, domain investor for more than 11 years, making fake allegations of security threat, cheating, faking help , fake teams when they cannot provide any kind of legally valid proof, especially the name of the person who has been cheated to get their lazy greedy fraud friends who do no computer work, do not invest money in domains, raw/cbi jobs with monthly salary at the expense of their real classmate
These fraud engineers are also falsely claiming that the savings, assets of their female classmate belong to them, have stolen her savings, when they have never helped her in any way.